Motor protection relay, DSP, VIP, Solid State Relay, SSR, WKS, SCR Unit
< Panel Flush Mounting Type>
■ To response for various motor starting system & to use for various application of trip output
- Applied "Mode" : out/LooFF/a/b
- Trip output :C1-M,97-98,07-08
■MCU based digital controL:precised motor protection
■ Protection Level:compact size,multi-function/4E Class[5SM:5E class]
*Protection:Over/Under current/Phase loss/Reverse phase/Current unbalance/Locked rotor/Shock(Stall)/Ground fault/Short circuit(only for 5SM Type)
■ To keep a steady chracteristic in the noisy installed environment:embeded RMS chip /correct RMS vcurrent value
■ Instant trip time for GF protection:0.1~30sec/definite(all of type), 0.05sec/instant(only for 5 SM Type)
■ Instant trip for short circuit :0.05sec(only for 5 SM Type)
■ Indication for neccessary information in every 3 sec : current,load factor,earth current,AWT(accumulative working time)
■ High sensitive level and wide range protection for ground fault:30mA ~4A(Optional type:ZCT embeded)
■ Digital communication for PC network management
*All of Type except 5CM:basically RS232
*5CM Type :RS-485
*5TM Type : 4~20mA
*5SM Type : instant trip for short circuit protection
■ Main contactor auto close :SDDT/power recovered time within SDDT,DOMT/contactor close after DOMT
■ Auto,manual reset : selectable in "Mode"
■ Stable operation under various frequency from Inverter:1Hz~400Hz