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About Supplier

The Best Drive & Power Electronics Company

The Top Priority of ADT is Customer Satisfaction

We Provide the Highest Value Based on Quality and Technology Development Ability

ADT is specialized in motor control & power conversion solution. With the accumulated technology and best quality, ADT is taking forth every effort to provide products and services that satisfy customer. In addition, to continue to grow, home and abroad, we are promoting active management strategies such as establishment of the local corporate in US, development of new products and new businesses, and strengthening of key abilities.

ADT will do its best to become the Best Drive & Power Electronics Company with consistent change and the spirit of challenge, and become a corporate that grows hand-in-hand with customers. We extend our deep appreciation for all customers who love ADT, and expect you continuous support and encouragement.

56, Beolmal-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Total 1
ADT 대리점
코머신 광고
(주)넥스컨트롤 (3)
397 Seokcheon-ro, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 303-1007
유료광고 예시
김성철 차장
경기도 용인시 기흥구
명함 등록하기
담당자와 취급 브랜드 정보 공개하기

Komachine Inc.
Head Office:
Ace Dongbaek Tower 1-1101, 16-4,
Dongbaekjungang-ro 16beon-gil, Giheung-gu,
Yongin City, Gyeonggido, South Korea 17015
Branch Office:
606, Seoul Stratup Center, 10,
Noryangjin-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea 06938
CEOCharlie Park
Corporate #535-86-00664

ⓒ2024 Komachine Inc. All rights reserved.