About Supplier
The ECM Group is the world leader in solutions and services for industrial heat treatments with strong value adding properties.
Founded in 1928, the industrial furnace company Group ECM is known all over the world for its innovations, technologies, processes, solutions and services. Our vacuum furnaces have been developed for more than 50 years and constitute a referring basis for several thousands of units sold around the world: ICBP® installations, vacuum furnaces, induction furnaces, deposition furnaces, photovoltaic & crystal growth furnaces, and tailor-made furnaces.
The whole engineering and manufacturing takes place in our French workshop based in our headquarters in Grenoble: 1 200 m² of offices, 8 000 m² of workshops, a R&D platform and a laboratory dedicated to metallurgy. All processes are mastered internally. ECM solutions represent 75% of all low pressure carburizing installations produced in the world (1 409 heat treating cells / 288 vacuum carburizing – ICBP® installations).
Corporate social responsibility, values and the dedication of men and women all help ECM create reliable and relevant technological solutions to our clients. The quality of our relationships and continuous improvements are the basis of the company’s success. Our strong capacity to react is proven by the agility, flexibility and availability of our 450 collaborators and our 15 international subsidiaries (China, India, USA, Germany…)