About Supplier
High flexibility, high precision, and efficient production are the demands of a highly dynamic and complex market we and our customers are facing.
Due to our high-quality standards and our target-oriented thinking aimed at ensuring optimal utilization of our products, Halder is firmly established as a competent partner helping to meet market requirements.
More than 80 years of experience, around 200 employees worldwide, sophisticated machinery as well and a wide range of products are the essential prerequisites enabling us to rapidly and reliably fulfill the most diverse needs of our customers.
Apart from offering a large variety of high-quality products, equal importance is attached to the rendition of customer-oriented and after-sales service.
As this necessitates a high level of qualification among the members of staff, we offer excellent career opportunities to junior staff members. The share of employees accounted for by trainees amounts to approx. 10 %.
Precision made in Germany - a great challenge that we are meeting day by day on a worldwide scale thanks to our international knowledge.
Halder Inside - invisible, but indispensable
Join us on a journey through a world full of standard parts and you will be surprised, where our decades of experience meet you everywhere.