

About Supplier

Ultrasonic Sensor Technology - From Idea to Innovation
A Phenomenon in Service of Industry
Since ancient times, sound has been used by humans and animals as a means of conveying information and as a method of measurement. Bats navigate through space using ultrasound. Dolphins locate fish schools and objects underwater using ultrasound frequencies of up to 120 kHz and are even capable of determining the heart rate of these animals. The oldest known method used by humans involving sound-based time-of-flight measurement is counting the seconds between lightning and thunder to determine the distance of a thunderstorm.


The idea of utilizing such, albeit highly refined, measurement methods industrially has led to the development of ultrasonic sensors. They emit high-frequency sound pulses that are inaudible to humans and measure the time until the arrival of echo signals reflected from objects.


In various applications, these robust sensors impress particularly due to their ability to work without contact or touch, even under extreme environmental conditions - and their capability to precisely detect objects made from a multitude of materials and colors.

It's this immense potential diversity of practical applications and the allure of surpassing existing performance limits through product innovations that have been driving micro sonic for more than 25 years. Since 1990, the internationally operating company, headquartered at the Dortmund Phoenix See, has focused on the development and production of innovative ultrasonic sensors for industrial automation technology.


Phoenixseestraße 7, 44263 Dortmund, Germany
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