About Supplier

A corporate group in which all stakeholders can take pride
NOK is Japan’s longest-established oil seal manufacturer. Our functional parts such as oil seals, created through NOK’s advanced seal technology, are used in automobiles, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, electronic equipment, office equipment housing equipment, etc., thereby supporting society and people’s daily lives behind the scenes.


代表取締役社長 鶴 正雄
Also, as Japan’s first flexible printed circuit (FPC) manufacturer, we have greatly contributed to the development of smaller, lighter, and better-performing electronic devices. Moreover, we have launched a business focusing on rollers for copiers to further foster the stable growth of our company.


The NOK Group is aiming to become a stronger and even more unique parts manufacturer by further improving the technologies that make up the foundation of our business operations, namely our sealing, FPC, and roller technologies. Moreover, we are carrying out drastic cost-cutting measures throughout our business operations, from manufacturing to the frontline of sales, while making strenuous efforts to improve the quality of our products and services. We are committed to “producing and selling our products that are proven to be technologically unique and socially useful, on a global scale,” thereby becoming a highly profitable corporate group, in which customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers, and all other stakeholders can take pride.


At the same time, to protect the natural environment for the next generation, we are promoting sustainable environment management by way of positioning the response to environmental issues as one of the most important management issues. The NOK Group supports the ideals of the SDGs and steadily fulfills our social responsibilities as good corporate citizens.


What started out as a small town factory in 1941 in Kobe, Japan, has grown to become a highly unique enterprise over the years. The corporate culture of that original factory has been passed down through the generations, constantly inspiring employees of the NOK Group to be ambitious. Taking pride in our reputation as “a small town factory born to be a great parts manufacturer” we will continue to manage the NOK Group in an even more ambitious manner.

1-12-15 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Zip code:105-8585
Total 2
NOK 대리점
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김성철 차장
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경기도 시흥시 공단1대로 204 (정왕동) 37동 109호