Tsuntien Precision

Tsuntien Precision

About Supplier

For the past 30 years, we have produced precision Cycloidal reducers only.
In 1990, Jiangsu Luole Transmission Co., Ltd. (Taiwan Murata Precision Co., Ltd.), INC. focused on the development and manufacture of roller reducers. Released the innovative revolution-rotation roller drive mechanism into reducer which is the prototype of ROLADRIVE reducer. The Roladrive reducer was applied successfully to the machine required high torque and low backlash.
In 2011, accompanied by more than 20 years of experience manufactured/developed a Roladrive reducer. TSUNTIEN released a new generation of products that integrated two kinds of techniques of planetary and roller types. The new concept reducers: TTRA-E, TTRV-C, TTRV-E, and TTRD-C have been released. It’s the pioneer in Taiwan who develops and does the mass production capacity for RV reducer.
In 2013, TSUNTIEN products successfully applied to the robotic positioner, ATC, tool magazine,tube-bending machine, chemical engineering, automation industry, electronic wafer/inspection equipment, SCARA, high precision 4 axle/6 axle robotic arm …etc.
In 2018, set up the factory in Kunshan.

No. 82-1, Zhongshan Rd, Yuanli, Miaoli County, Taiwan 358
Total 1
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