Draft Beer Sanitized cleaning management system, low temperature coffee extractor, cabonated water dispenser
Prolongs the life span of the filter and its filtering ability thanks to its backwash function.
Reduces waste through uni-materialization
Makes the product slimmer and lighter by integrating the functions of filters to reduce the number of filers.
Economic Feasibility
Extends the life span of the filter by recovering the capability of filter through the backwash function and reduces maintenance cost.
Convenient Use
Activation, checking of quantity, and setting can be done with a one-touch mode.
Makes better use of space with a small and slim design.
Maintains Cleanliness
Prevents contamination from an external source with direct water application rather than utilization of reserved water.
Removes contaminants in the pipeline with activation of sterilizing water function.
Maintains Quality
Uses environment-friendly material and improves durability with aluminium case.
Maintains consistent performance of filters thanks to its backwashing function.