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벨트 구동형 터보팬
Model Name
DR-TF Series
DR Fan & Blower
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Dae Ryun Ind

Ventilation system manufacturer, DR ventilation fan, Heat exchanger, DR heat recovery ventilation device, Motor and more

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Dae Ryun Ind
Product Name
벨트 구동형 터보팬
Model Name
DR-TF Series
Product Details

▣ 특징

• 풍량은 TURBO BLOWER보다 대용량의 기체를 효율적으로 송·배풍함
• 150~1000mmAq의 고풍압에 적당함
• IMPELLER 구조가 강대하면서 견고하며 유체역학적으로도 무리가 없으므로 높은 효율과 고속회전이 가능하여 광범위한 용도에 사용됨 특히 대형구조가 가능하며 사용상태에 따라 회전수 변경이 용이함


▣ 용도

• BOILER의 송·배풍용, PULP 제지공업, 집진장치, 일반화학공업, 공기전송장치, CEMENT 공업 등 각종 산업용에 널리 쓰임


대륜산업 벨트 구동형 터보팬 DR-TF Series

벨트 구동형 터보팬


▣ 외형도


대륜산업 벨트 구동형 터보팬 DR-TF Series 1

▣ 규격표


MODEL 토출구 흡입구 FAN 폭 센터높이 FAN 높이 FAN 상부 길이




A B C B D E F G1 G2 G3 H1 H2 I J K M N L
DR-TF#2SS 170 140 200 140 400 50 590 340 305 410 580 594 204 221 187 255 270 740
DR-TF#2.5SS 220 180 250 180 400 50 630 405 360 485 685 727 257 275 229 321 300 970
DR-TF#3SS 260 215 300 215 440 50 705 470 415 560 800 856 311 333 279 387 330 1,050
DR-TF#3.5SS 310 255 350 255 440 65 760 535 470 630 915 987 362 389 325 453 400 1,120
DR-TF#4SS 350 290 400 290 490 65 845 600 530 700 1,020 1,119 414 445 373 517 450 1,190
DR-TF#4.5SS 400 330 450 330 490 65 885 680 585 780 1,150 1,250 465 501 419 583 490 1,320
DR-TF#5SS 440 365 500 365 570 75 1,010 755 655 870 1,275 1,394 519 559 469 649 540 1,400
DR-TF#5.5SS 500 405 550 405 600 75 1,080 820 720 920 1,390 1,531 561 615 517 713 590 1,595
DR-TF#6SS 530 430 600 430 700 75 1,205 885 780 1,020 1,535 1,666 621 670 562 778 640 1,720
DR-TF#6.5SS 570 490 650 490 805 90 1,385 975 860 1,120 1,675 1,821 676 725 607 843 680 1,790
DR-TF#7SS 600 500 700 500 855 100 1,455 1,030 915 1,180 1,790 1,930 715 783 667 899 710 2,000
DR-TF#7.5SS 660 540 750 540 885 100 1,525 1,110 970 1,270 1,910 2,081 781 839 703 975 740 2,090
DR-TF#8SS 710 590 800 590 945 120 1,655 1,195 1,050 1,380 2,037 2,233 828 895 751 1,039 830 2,170
DR-TF#8.5SS 750 620 850 620 1,035 120 1,775 1,260 1,110 1,440 2,160 2,369 884 951 797 1,105 870 2,400
DR-TF#9SS 800 660 900 660 1,035 120 1,815 1,330 1,180 1,520 2,330 2,510 930 1,010 850 1,170 950 2,500
DR-TF#9.5SS 840 700 950 700 1,035 120 1,855 1,390 1,230 1,590 2,440 2,635 985 1,065 895 1,235 990 2,600

*모터 용량에 따라 길이가 변경됨

*상기자료는 사전 예고없이 변경 될 수 있으며 반드시 사전에 확인바랍니다.

Dae Ryun Ind
Ventilation system manufacturer, DR ventilation fan, Heat exchanger, DR heat recovery ventilation device, Motor and more
Since its founding in 1994, Daeryun Industrial Co., Ltd. has been contributing to the competitiveness of the domestic ventilation and blower industry through continuous technological development and quality improvement and has endeavored to maximize customer satisfaction.In 1998, we overcame the IMF and achieved sales of 25 billion won.The driving force of such sales growth is the enthusiasm of all employees and efforts to continuously strengthen corporate competitiveness.In addition, with the goal of becoming the forefront of the domestic and overseas ventilation and blower industry, we are constantly striving to realize this.   Daeryun Industrial Co., Ltd. is preparing to improve the constitution of the organization beyond the framework of the existing business form in order to realize a greater leap forward.This is to prepare for the future by analyzing the past, which has been only looking ahead, and by compensating for the shortcomings.   To this end, “Daeryun Industrial Co., Ltd. promises as follows”.   One, Daeryun is a company that makes good products, is recognized by customers, and operates at a fair price.One, Daeryun is a company that continuously communicates based on trust between employees.One, Daeryun is a company that is built right on the basis of the principles and principles.One, Daeryun is a company that honestly admits and corrects any mistakes in the performance of business so that it can become a better company.   Daeryun Industrial Co., Ltd. promises to grow into a global company that leads the world market, preparing for the future without being settled in the present.