Concrete Block Molding Machine Manufacturer, Block Molding Machine, Block Processing Device, Concrete Mixer, Mold and more
Finger Car:
- A track-bound car that transports pallets with green blocks from elevator to a specified location of a specified chamber of curing room and cured blocks from a specified location in ;a specifiied chamber of curing room to lowerator.
Maximum load: 20 ton
Number of floors (forks) and pallets per floor: 18 floors x 1 pallet
Distance between floors: 400 mm
Pallet size: 1,400 x 1,150 x 18 mm
Traveling Platform
Cable locking device and collector arm
Traveling Car
Lifting frame and fork
Driven by motor. Supply of electricity via cable drum
Driven by AC motor. Speed controlled by frequency regulator (9-step control)
Locking Roller Stopper
Position sensor senses the exact position for finger car tostop, and locking roller locks so that finger car stays at the exact position.
Electric Supply
Electricity is supplied to traveling car via rope cable.
Cable trolley and guide rail included
Finger Car Control
Communication with main control and cuber control
Infinitely variable speed control by frequency regulator
Modular PLC mounted in the control panel
CPU includes two microprocessors.