Directional Speaker manufacturer
Features of DIXXEN S4 Series
DIXXEN-S4 Series is a High Powered Directional Speaker with peak output of 154dB and transmits the sound up to 3km.
DIXXEN-S4 Series passed strict USA Military Standard (MIL-STD) in water, shock, EMC-EMI, vibration, environment, salt spray.
It has high durability with MIL-STD and it is applicable for various fields such as evacuation broadcasting, crowd control, surveillance system, homeland security, maritime security etc.
There are two (2) types of products for manual type and remote type. Integrating with radar, camera and other S/W, it can be operated in control center such as port, airport, military base,
industrial infrastructure control center and so on. With remote control system and integrating system, it can reduce human resources and protect the operator.
-이동이 용의한 하드 케이스와 이동에 따른 조립/해체를 고려한 최적의 기구 설계로 원하는 곳 어디든 쉽게 설치 할 수 있습니다.
-MIL-STD 환경 인증을 획득한 제품으로, 해수와 충격, 진동에 대한 내구성을 갖추고 있습니다. 선박과 국경 등 환경이 열악한 조건에서도 제품 구동이 가능하며,
(MIL-STD는 열악한 환경에서 구동이 가능하다는 인증이 아니며 열악한 환경노출 뒤에도 제품이 정상 구동하는 인증이라는 것을, 참고 바랍니다)원격제어를 통해 운용자가 직접적으로 위험환경에 노출되지 않습니다.
Perimeter and industrial Infrastructure Intelligent Surveillance System
This system (DIXXEN-S4R) automatically detects the threats from the potential intruders approaching surveillance area with radar, GIS integration and DIXXEN-S4R.
In addition, with CCTV and Thermal Camera in DIXXEN-S4R, this system can monitor real-time surveillance and transmit the warning messages to intruders simultaneously.