MOGARO Aluminum Yacht manufacturer, speed boat, leisure boat, fishing boat and more
● Technical Specifications Moggaro 750 :
○ Hull Length : 7,49 m
○ Hull length with bath platforms : 8,60 m
○ Beam : 2,50 m
○ Engine : Outboard maximum 350 Hp
○ Propulsion : Outboard
○ Homologation :
■ CE for 16 pax
1. In UE is only valid for 12 pax
○ Fuel Tank : 1 x 250/300 Liters
○ Speed :
■ Outboard :
1. Max speed more than 40 kt with 3 pax and Yamaha 350 Hp
2. Cruising speed 24 kt at 70% with 12 divers and Yamaha 300 Hp
○ Equipment and Options :
■ Pilot Cabin
■ Big ladder for diving
■ Lifting points welded to the deck