Al-Suboh Modern Technology Co. Ltd., Founded in 1989 by some of the most dedicated professionals in the business has experienced continuous growth and acquired unwavering confidence of our reputed customers. This was possible only because of in-depth knowledge of market demand, a continuous research process to transform it into the materials and services required by the customers and stay fully aware of its sales implication with comprehensive support services set-up. We, over a period of years, have developed a wide customer base and strong infra-structure to cater market demand in supply of engineering and scientific products and services. By forming partnership with leading manufacturers from around the globe.
we have dedicated ourselves to offering a single source supply channel promising our clients optimal purchasing security and total peace of mind. We further extend this alliance by working closely with customers to provide tailored solutions with an optimal return on investment
At Al-Suboh modern technology Co. Ltd., we make it our business to know our customers. We are reflection of our customer requirements. Our commitment to providing excellent services in supply, installation, erection, testing and commissioning to meet those requirements in resulted into our successful and continually expanding business.