
ZEABORN Ship Management GmbH & Cie. KG




Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 22, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
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About Distributor

Zeaborn Ship Management is a pure third-party ship manager based in Hamburg and Singapore. We believe in safety of people and ships, Transparency towards our customers on financial and operational matters, Asset Protection so our customers can take advantage of the market, and Reliability in performance. We have made Safety our DNA – through Maritime Resource Management and continuous repetition of our Challenge and Intervention culture we have made vessels managed by Zeaborn Ship Management safer; and that has also saved our customers money. Our shareholders insist on Transparency, that we open our books to our customers, who have access to all financial and operational information on their ships. Many of our employees come from a ship-owning background and they know very well that protecting the condition of the ships we manage serves our customers to get that charter, pass that vetting inspection, and make that vital good first impression. That is what we mean with Asset Protection. And all of this translates into Reliability: you can count on us to do the right thing. For your ship, your investment. OUR MISSION is simply this: to have and to keep satisfied customers. This means that we want to do our very best for customers who have the same values that we have, who believe that quality will always win. OUR VISION is to grow and maintain the fleet in management to a level that we can perform everything that our customers need in a most efficient way. We want to be sure that we can address the needs of our customers and guarantee the quality of our services. OUR STRATEGY is to deliver on the mission and vision by consistent Customer Focus. This means that we focus on safety and provide you with up-to-date information on the performance of your vessels, giving you the reassurance that we are delivering added value.