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Dynamic pallet storage (Drive-through storage)
Catalog-Jungheinrich-Dynamic pallet storage-Drive-through storage
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융하인리히전동 핸드 파레트 트럭, 삼방향 지게차, 핸드파레트 등
+49 40-8532430
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Dynamic pallet storage (Drive-through storage)
제품 상세 정보

Drive-through racking is often used to increase efficiency when order-picking small parts and packages. When using this system, your items are transported directly to the picking station using a roller system on a sloping level.

This saves both time and travel distance. Because loading and removal are separate, items can be replenished without disruption.

As a drive-through frame, this solution is suitable for installation in our versatile standard pallet racking. Drive-through racking is popular in the groceries sector, where strict compliance with a sequence focusing on best-before dates plays an important role (FiFo).

It is also often the first choice in the mail-order business, the automotive industry, and cold stores. The system is extremely flexible in both structure and operation. With operation possible by hand or by order picker, it is possible to implement multi-level systems to make full use of a room's height.


✔ High warehouse density with a low space requirement

✔ Time saved through goods replenishment automatically

✔ Separate loading and removal for an undisrupted material flow

✔ Versatile application and flexible expansion capability

✔ Easy and inexpensive to install




Optimum adaptation capability

  • Installation in pallet racking or free-standing.
  • Integration at double-rack depth and single-rack depth.


Individual configuration

  • Adjustable height and tilt angle.
  • Flexible channel distribution thanks to guide rails for products with different dimensions.


Space saving

  • Compact storage.
  • No operating aisles.


Efficient order picking

  • Simple workflow and optional pick-by-light systems prevent order-picking errors.
  • Savings in travel time.
  • Reduced throughput times.


High process reliability

  • Simple monitoring of batches and best-before dates.
  • Segregated storage is possible.



융하인리히전동 핸드 파레트 트럭, 삼방향 지게차, 핸드파레트 등
융하인리히는 1953년 독일에서 창립되어 지금까지 국제 물류산업을 이끌어 온 세계 최고의 물류장비 브랜드로써, 다양한 현장 여건에 맞추어 지속적인 개발과 개선을 통해 명성을 이어가고 있습니다. 융하인리히는 핸드파레트부터 삼방향지게차에 이르기까지 복잡한 물류장비의 사양에 맞게 다양한 제품라인을 갖추고 있으며, WMS, Navigation, Racking System까지 물류효율을 극대화하는 다양한 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다. ㈜브릿지오버는 융하인리히의 온라인 공식 판매를 운영하고 있으며, 고객들에게 한국시장에 맞는 합리적인 가격으로 온라인 공식 판매점을 통해 제품을 제공하고 있습니다.