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Single Channel EDFA
Optical Amplifiers
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Single Channel EDFA
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LiComm Single Channel EDFA

The world first pluggable QSFP-EDFA, QOA is a full-functioning EDFA module with control circuitry packaged inside. It is totally compatible with conventional QSFP optical transceiver in respect of size and pin-map.
Due to the small size and easy installation, the QOA is designed for a single wavelength applications in fiber optic communications system in datacenter, core networks, access and CATV networks.

- Conventional QSFP compatible size and pin map
- Cost efficiency with pluggable type
- Space efficiency using remaining slot (No extra equipment required)
- EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Uncooled 980 nm pump laser module
- Extremely lower the heat generation
- High saturation output power up to 17dBm
- Selectable Output Power
- APC (Automatic Power Control; Default) or AGC(Automatic Gain Control; Optional) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply

- High Speed Data Center Network
- 100G or higher speed Channel Amplifier
- Reach Extension for L2/L3 Ethernet Switch
- RF over Fiber Network
- Power Boosting and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- ROADM System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  1

The world first pluggable EDFA, XOA is a full-functioning EDFA module with control circuitry packaged inside. It is totally compatible with conventional XFP optical transceiver in respect of size and pin-map.
Due to the small size and easy installation, the XOA is designed for a single wavelength applications in fiber optic communications system in core networks, access networks, or CATV networks.

- Conventional XFP compatible size and pin map
- Cost efficiency with pluggable type
- Space efficiency using remaining slot (No extra equipment required)
- EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Uncooled 980 nm pump laser module
- Extremely lower the heat generation
- High saturation output power up to 17dBm
- Selectable Output Power
- APC (Automatic Power Control; Default) or AGC(Automatic Gain Control; Optional) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply

- 10G/100G or higher speed Channel Amplifier
- Reach Extension for L2/L3 Ethernet Switch
- High Speed Data Center Network
- RF over Fiber Network
- Power Boosting and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- ROADM System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  2

The world’s smallest pluggable EDFA, XOA is a full-functioning EDFA module with control circuitry packaged inside. It is totally compatible with conventional XFP optical transceiver in respect of size and pin-map. Due to the small size and easy installation,
the XOA is designed for a single wavelength applications in fiber optic communications system in core networks, access networks, or CATV networks.

- Ultra compact size (59 x 16 x 7.5 mm )
- Full functional EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Including VOA, TOF and/or VOA+TOF
- Automatic wavelength searching and locking function (Optional)
- Including Input Monitor and Input Isolator (Optional)
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- Wide operating wavelength range
- Wide settable output power range
- APC (Automatic Power Control) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply
- Additional 44V power supply (Optional for TOF)

- Optimized for integration into 100 Gbps coherent CFP & CPF2 modules
- Loss Compensation for active optical modules
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- Power equalization and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- 2.5G/10G/40G/100G Channel Amplifier
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks
- CATV System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  3

LiComm’s unique TOA+ EDFA is small enough to fit into CFP2 units. This world’s smallest and unique EDFA for Analog or Digital Coherent Optics ACO/ DCO,
takes up little space as it fits into a CFP2 housing efficiently. It’s a fully functioning optical amplifier engine with and without GFF.

- Fit in CFP2 Housing
- Ultra compact size ( 39.3 x 24.8 x 3.8 mm )
- Full EDFA Gain Block include GFF  (Optional)
- Full C-band operating wavelength range
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range

- CFP2-ACO or CFP2-DCO of Coherent Transceiver

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  4

LiComm’s unique TOA EDFA is small enough to fit into CFP2 units. This world’s smallest and unique EDFA for Analog or Digital Coherent Optics ACO/ DCO,
takes up little space as it fits into a CFP2 housing efficiently. It’s a fully functioning optical amplifier engine with VOA, TOF or both inside, or can include GFF.

- Fit in CFP2 Housing
- Ultra compact size ( 39.3 x 24.8 x 6.2 mm )
- Full EDFA Gain Block include VOA, TOF ,VOA + TOF, GFF  (Optional)
- Full C-band operating wavelength range
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range

- CFP2-ACO or CFP2-DCO of Coherent Transceiver

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  5

The world’s smallest EDFA, pOA is a full-functioning EDFA module with the control circuitry packaged inside. It is designed for a single wavelength applications in fiber optic communications system in core networks,
access networks, or CATV networks. The pOA, OFA-TCP series provides very stable output power up to in C-band over the wide operating temperature range.

- Ultra compact size (46x19x10 mm)
- EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Uncooled 980 nm pump laser module
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- High output power up to 17 dBm
- APC (Automatic Power Control) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply

- Loss Compensation for active optical modules
- Optimized for integration into 100 Gbps coherent CFP & CPF2 modules
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- Power equalization and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- 2.5G/10G/40G/100G Channel Amplifier
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks
- CATV System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  6

The world smallest EDFA, pOA+ is a full-functioning EDFA module with the control circuit packaged inside. It is designed for a single wavelength applications in full extended c-band fiber optic communications system in core networks,
access networks, or CATV networks. The pOA+, OFA-TCQ series provides very stable output power up to in C-band over the wide operating temperature range.

- Ultra compact size (59 x 16 x 7.5 mm ) 
- Full functional EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Including VOA, TOF, VOA+TOF, GFF (Optional)
- Automatic wavelength searching and locking function (Optional)
- Including Input Monitor and Input Isolator (Optional)
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- Wide operating wavelength range
- Wide settable output power range
- APC (Automatic Power Control) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by I2C
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply

- Optimized for integration into 100 Gbps coherent  CFP & CPF2 modules
- Loss Compensation for active optical modules
- Power boosting and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- 2.5G/10G/40G/100G Channel Amplifier
- ROADM System
- CATV System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  7

The world’s smallest EDFAs, TiOTM series are two full-functioning EDFAs in a package. The electric control board permits to control and monitor separately two EDFAs.
It is designed for c-band applications for channel cards in fiber optic communications system of core networks, access networks, or CATV networks.

- Two EDFAs are independently controlled  and monitored.
- EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- Uncooled 980 nm pump laser modules
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- Output  power up to 17dBm  for each
- AGC(automatic  Gain Control) or APC (Automatic Power Control) 
- Control & monitoring by  RS232
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3 V power supply

- Power equalization and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- 2.5G/10G/40G/100G Channel Amplifier
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- Loss Compensation for active optical modules
- Optimized for integration into 100 Gbps  coherent modules
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks
- CATV System

LiComm Single Channel EDFA  8

The LiComm uncooled EDFA OFA-TCU series is a full-functioning EDFA module with control circuitry packaged inside. It is designed for a single
Wavelength applications in fiber optic communications system in core
networks, access networks, or CATV networks.

- Ultra compact size (50 x 30 x 8mm) 
- Uncooled 980nm pump laser module
- Extremely low power consumption over wide operating temperature range
- EDFA module including micro process control circuit
- High output power up to 17dBm
- Multiple package sizes
- Low noise figure
- APC (Automatic Power Control) with FLS (Forced Laser Shutdown)
- Control & monitoring by RS232
- LVTTL Alarm
- Single + 3.3V power supply

- 2.5G/10G/40G Channel Amplifier
- Narrow band amplification in C-band
- Power equalization and Pre-emphasis Amplifier for DWDM Metro System
- Signal loss compensation in switch matrix
- SONET/SDH system
- OADM access networks
- CATV System

정보통신장비 개발 및 제조 회사
㈜라이콤은 2000년 3월에 정보통신 장비 개발/제조 회사로 설립, 국가의 초고속 정보통신망 구축에 필수적인 광전송 시스템용 광증폭기(EDFA: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier), 광중계기용 광 송수신기 및 광계측 장비를 주력으로 개발/제조하는 회사입니다.   인재 육성, 자율 경영, 창의적 도전정신, 장인정신의 경영이념 아래  박사급을 포함한 30여명의 연구인력이 세계 제1의 광 모듈 개발 및 생산을 목표로 광전송시스템에 적합한 새로운 기능 추가 및 특성 향상을 위한 연구 개발을 해왔으며, 이를 바탕으로 새로운 광 관련 분야의 연구개발에 전념하고 있습니다.    라이콤은 국내 광전송 시스템 제조 업체에 광증폭기등을 납품하고 있으며, 국내 유일의 광증폭기 양산 체제를 갖춘 업체로 내수 시장은 물론 해외 시장을 개척하고자 OFC, ECOC, NFOEC 그리고 일본 CATV 등 해외 전시회에 참여하여 자체 부스를 가지고 제품전시 및 수출 상담등 수출 증대에 전념하고 있으며, 시제품 수출 및 양산 제품수출을 홥발이 진행하고 있다. 또한 수출에 필요한 ISO9001, TL9000및 제품의 CE 인증을 받았습니다.