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케이블 & 관로 - Uraduct®+
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해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체

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케이블 & 관로 - Uraduct®+
제품 상세 정보

In response to client requests and for applications where pipelines or cables are to be subject to high levels of abrasion, we have developed Uraduct®+, which is considered to be the ultimate protection solution. Flexible pipes, power cables and fibre optic cables can be protected in any area where abrasion is considered to be a problem and stabilisation cannot be achieved. This includes pipeline touch down locations, rocky areas and shore landings.

Uraduct®+ is moulded in our "super abrasion resistant" elastomer and offers all the characterisitcs of standard Uraduct with the added benefit of encapsulating the securing bands to prevent premature wear or abrasion of the banding itself.
The polyurethane half shell mouldings are supplied in loose pre-assembled pairs, with the securing bands fully encapsulated within the body of the PU protection system, with the exception of the seal arrangement. Uraduct®+ is installed onto the pipeline or cable in pairs, with the socket and spigot overlapping and interlocking each pair of mouldings in the assembly. The socket and spigots are designed with a 'dove tail' arrangement, ensuring full system integrity when subject to bending, during either installation or service.
Uraduct®+ is secured in place by 32mm wide x 0.8mm thick Alloy 625 banding. The same pneumatic band tools as used for standard Uraduct®  are employed to tension, crimp and cut the bands, allowing for quick and simple installation.
The protection system is also designed to allow for the removal of the securing bands and replacement with new securing bands in the event that the protection system is to be removed and reinstalled onto a new riser system.
Uraduct®+ has undergone full factory testing to ensure that it is fully qualified to meet the stringent requirements laid down by its clients.

Whilst utilising materials that have been field proven over a number of years, this innovative design has now taken cable and pipeline protection to new levels.  

Uraduct®+ is moulded in our "super abrasion resistant" elastomer and offers all the characterisitcs of standard Uraduct with the added benefit of encapsulating the securing bands to prevent premature wear or abrasion of the banding itself.  

해양관측기기 및 수질자동관측장비 개발업체
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