Smart Turbo Blower The first phase of the industrial revolution began with the invention of the mechanized loom in 1784, as mechanical production plants were driven by water or steam power. The second phase was heralded in at the end of the 19th century with the use of electricity to power machinery. The third phase commenced with the use of IT and electronics in production in the 1970s. 1969 saw the first programmable logic controller (PLC), which enabled further automation. We are now at the start of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in which connected, intelligent systems interact in Turbowin’s smart factory. Turbowin’s advanced WL-i Series turbo blower products connect our precious people with Turbowin’s smart factory machinery and smart networking systems so as to enable processes that are largely automated. |
World Class Efficiency Proven to be the Best Living in the globe means that we are no stranger to the growing issue of global warming. Every member of the population is actively encouraged to make even the smallest of lifestyle changes to improve their efficiency. We should all aim to take a ‘kind to nature’ approach to daily tasks, using ‘green technology’ which relates to smart devices that have been designed aiming to lower or reverse the effects humans have on the environment. Now, Turbowin is familiarised with the definition of eco-friendly technology with another self-renewing energy saving efficiency figure, which is already difficult to achieve, achieved a whopping 57.5%. |
# 5-YEARS WARRANTY GUARANTEE Commitment to Assure the Highest Quality Turbowin’s continuous effort on developing turbomachinery has led to the creation of new-generation SMART turbo blower that can endure even in surge areas without being easily overloaded. We proudly offer a 5-YEAR warranty period to ensure our global customers to experience the best quality of turbo blowers anytime, anywhere. Our Customer Service Center is always on stand-by 24/7 to quickly respond to our customers’ needs and provide assistance in case of any emergencies. |
# SMART Internet of Things (IoT) From Compressed Air Solutions to Life Care Solutions Turbowin has become a game changer in revolutionizing and re-defining turbo blowers into a greater meaning in our daily lives. The newest WL-i Series is embedded with Internet of Things (IoT) system, enabling us to connect with the machine in various ways - through smart phones, tablet PCs and laptops, anywhere at any given time. This allows users to simply control and monitor blower systems with just a touch of a button even in remote areas. All data are real-time measured and processed through our latest version of control system, which are then sent to users, allowing them to constantly monitor the performance of their blower. |
# USER FRIENDLY INTERFACE Extra Convenience for Blower Management Turbowin’s latest SMART blower provides users with the ideal user interface (UI) that is carefully designed to be more user-friendly. Even for customers that are new to turbo machine can easily manage and control the machine with our advanced system. Our enhanced data visualization allows users to easily monitor the performance of the machine. By eliminating multiple layers of channels for different options, users will have less trouble switching operations and changing settings through our new user interface. |
# NEW SMART FACTORY Achieving Economies of Scale To improve productivity and quality of our products, Turbowin has expanded its facility to a new SMART factory in the year 2020. The new facility includes Internet of Things (IoT) based production line where most of our resources and data are processed automatically to ensure precision and the right timing for all manufacturing processes. Our production capacity has tripled compared to the past, enabling us to achieve economies of scale by increasing the production units and ultimately lowering the overall production costs. |
Directly Applicable thru Industry 4.0 Revolution