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Double Effect Exhaust Gas Driven Absorption Machine
CHP/CHPH Performance Data
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(주)월드에너지흡수식 냉동기 제작, 직화식, 증기식 흡수히트펌프
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Double Effect Exhaust Gas Driven Absorption Machine
제품 상세 정보

World Energy Double Effect Exhaust Gas Driven Absorption Machine CHP/CHPH Series

The double-effect, exhaust-gas driven absorption machine consists of an evaporator, absorber, condenser, high- temperature and lowtemperature generators, solution heat exchangers, refrigerant and solution pumps , purge system, controls and accessories. During the cooling mode, the machine operates at the condition that under vacuum,
 water boils at a low temperature. Under typical operating conditions, this occurs at approximately 4.4oC (40oF), thereby cooling the chilled water that circulates through the evaporator tubes. A refrigerant pump is used to spray the refrigerant(water) over the evaporator tubes to improve heat transfer.

To make the cooling process continuous, the refrigerant (water) vapor must be removed as it is produced. To accomplish this, a lithium bromide solution (which has a high affinity for water) is used to absorb the water vapor. As this process continues, the lithium bromide becomes diluted, reducing its absorption capacity. A solution pump then transfers
 this diluted solution to the generators where it is re-concentrated in two stages (double-effect) to boil off the previously absorbed water. A variable frequency drive on the solution pump automatically maintains optimum solution flow to the generators at all operating conditions for maximum efficiency.
 The diluted solution is pumped to the high-temperature generator where it is heated and re-concentrated to a medium
 concentration solution by the exhaust heat from the gas turbine or reciprocating engine exhaust gas. The medium concentration solution from the high-temperature generator flows to the low-temperature generator where it is heated and re-concentrated to a strong solution by the high temperature water vapor released from the solution in the hightemperature generator.
 Since the low-stage generator acts as the condenser for the high-stage generator, the heat energy first applied in
 the high-stage generator is used again in the low-stage generator, thus reducing the heat input by approximately 45% as compared to an absorption chiller with a single-stage of re-concentration. The water vapor released in the shell side of the low-stage generator, in addition to the now condensed water vapor from the tube side of the low-stage
 generator, enters the condenser to be cooled and returned to a liquid state. The refrigerant water then returns to the evaporator to begin a new cycle.

To remove heat from the machine, cooling water from a cooling tower is first circulated through the tubes of the absorber to remove the heat of vaporization. The water is then circulated through the tubes of the condenser. The re-concentrated (strong) solution from the low-stage generator flows back to the absorber to begin a new cycle.
 For efficiency purposes, the medium concentration solution from the high-stage generator is passed through the high-temperature solution heat exchanger to pre-heat the diluted (weak) solution, while pre-cooling
 the medium concentration solution. The re-concentrated (strong) solution from the low-stage generator is passed through the lowtemperature solution heat exchanger to pre-heat/pre-cool the solution before being returned to the absorber.

World Energy Double Effect Exhaust Gas Driven Absorption Machine CHP/CHPH Series 1

During the heating mode, the cycle follows a different vapor flow path than that undertaken for cooling and does not use the typical absorption process. In addition, the absorber-condenser cooling water circuit is drained and thus not operated, since all heat rejection from the machine is designed to take place through the evaporator (now the heating
 bundle) in a classic two-pipe system that utilizes only the evaporator nozzles.

 High temperature water vapor produced in the high-temperature generator section is passed directly to the evaporator via the absorber where it condenses and transfers its heat to the water circulating through the evaporator tubes.

This condensed water then flows to the absorber section where it mixes with the concentrated solution returning from the high-temperature generator. The diluted solution is then pumped back to the hightemperature generator to repeat the vapor generation phase for the heating function. Quick changeover from cooling to heating is accomplished by switching the positions of two hand valves, draining the absorber-condenser water circuit and putting the machine into heating mode by changing the position of a switch in the control panel.

 The hot water temperatures is 60oC (140oF) as a standard without additional components and 79oC (175oF) as an option with the additional heat exchanger.

이 기업의 다른 제품
(주)월드에너지흡수식 냉동기 제작, 직화식, 증기식 흡수히트펌프
(주)월드에너지는 2004년에 에너지 절약기기인 폐열회수용 흡수식 히트펌프와 지역냉방용 저온수2단 흡수냉동기, 열병합발전용 저온수 흡수냉동기 등과 같은 흡수냉동기제품의 개발과 판매를 목적으로 설립한 회사로서, 흡수냉동기와 냉동장비의 개발, 설계, 제조에 있어서 국제적 수준의 기술을 보유하고 있으며, 국내와 세계 시장을 대상으로 제품을 개발, 생산, 보급하고 있습니다. 지역냉난방사업과 관련하여, (주)월드에너지는 지역냉방용 흡수냉동기를 개발하고, 보급하기 위하여, 한국지역난방공사를 비롯한 지역단위의 열 공급 회사와 한국설비기술협회등의 기술자 단체와 신기술개발과 제품의 제도개선 분야에서도 다양한 형태의 협력을 하고 있습니다. 흡수냉동기와 관련된 새로운 기술과 신제품을 개발하고 있는 (주)월드에너지는 국내와 해외의 흡수냉동기 판매회사부터 신제품, 또는 그 응용제품에 대한 기술개발과 제품설계의 의뢰를 받고 있으며, 궁극적으로는 국내 냉동공조기술과 흡수냉동기의 제품수준을 국제적 수준으로 향상시키는데 회선을 다할 것입니다. (주)월드에너지는 국내, 또는 국제규격의 기술표준과 품질기준에 적합한 제품을 개발하고 생산하여, 세계 어느 곳이든 고객이 만족할 수 있는 성능과 내구성을 갖춘, 또한 신뢰성 있는 운전이 보장된 제품을 공급하는데 최선을 다할 것입니다. 고유가 시대에 값비싼 에너지를 크게 절감하는 기술과 나아가 기기를 제공하여 고객의 경영이익을 개선하고, 국가의 국제경쟁력을 향상시키며, 환경의 보호와 개선에 이바지할 수 있도록 (주)월드에너지의 임직원은 한마음으로 정성을 다하겠습니다.