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Industrial brake, Control system etc.


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The Promise HANKUK ELECTRO MACHINERY INC., Belief for Bright Future

Industrial facilities in the field of technology development projects in conjunction with the national strategic industry have been a key agenda in 21st century.

Our company, Hankuk Electro Machinery Inc. is one of the best supplier for Engineering and Installation of Electric System, Industrial Brake, Magnet for material handling equipment. Also, the company's executives are proud of contribution to our service field that is concern with electric system and product for material handling equipments for the last 30 years.

With our 30 years of experience and technology, we will exert all possible efforts to developing material handling equipment, electromagnetic, industrial automation and next-generation technology development. Furthermore, the company will strive constantly to be leader in state-of-the-art technology to achieve customer's satisfaction.

In the meantime, we will continue to supply the world with quality products and cutting-edge technology.
Thank you very much.


168, Gongdan 2-daero, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea