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Permanent Neighbor, PN POONGNYUN
Always close, friendly and comfortable, your permanent neighbor, PN Poongnyun, a leading company in Korean kitchen and living culture.

PN Pungnyeon pressure cookers have been responsible for the taste of rice in Korea's industrialization era for 70 years.
The chirping sound of the rice cooker was like a fanfare for the family table, and over the years, it has grown to be loved by everyone.

We promise that we will continue to be a longevity company for a hundred years by developing into a company that is strict with itself, but not at all inconvenient to our customers' experience, with a neighborly warmth that enriches everyone who experiences PN.


620, Byeolmang-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea