Manufacturer of Auto GC866 Analyzers, Mass Spectrometers, Peripherals and more
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Model List
MEDOR Exp Sulfurs in Hazardous Area (Sulfur Compounds)
MEDOR Exp CSAairmoS : Mercaptans and Sulphides in Ambient Air (Sulfur Compounds)
C52022-Trap (5U)MEDOR Exd : Sulfurs in Hazardous Area (Sulfur Compounds)
MEDOR® Exd ATEXH2S/TOS TS MEDOR® : H2S, Total Organic Sulfur and Total Sulfur (Sulfur Compounds)
M51000-TS (rack version), M51000-TS (wall mounted version)THT MEDOR : Odor Measurement (THT) (Odor and Odorants)
M31022, M31022-ATEX-Z1vigi e-nose (Odor and Odorants)
V10022 (wall mounted version with gas generators), V20022 (rack version)Odor & VOCs Monitoring for Odor & Chemical Control Units (OCU) (Odor and Odorants)
C24000 Rack version, C24000 Wall-mounted versionvigiODOR (Odor and Odorants)
-energyMEDOR : Sulfur, Mercaptans and Odor Measurement (Odor and Odorants)
M41022, M41022-Atex-21-ExdDET NH3 (Odor and Odorants)
D27000Chroma CO : CO, O2, CH4 and HCHO Analysis (Permanent Gases)
C11022ChromaTCD : Ne, H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2 Analysis (Permanent Gases)
C41022, C41022-ATEXChromEnergy : Hydrocarbons C1-C6+ Measurement for Calorific Value and WOBBE Index Computation
C42022 (5U)Permanent Gases Analyzer: CHROMA DID-He (Permanent Gases)
-DET NH3 Analyzer (Permanent Gases)