Washing machine manufacturer, High precision / Manual / Automatic ultrasonic washing machine
ㆍ High pressure spray can be effectively used for cleaning submicron particulate contamination and deburring of inside hole of ABS pump housing.
ㆍ High pressure is going up to 300bar and using NC(Numerical control), we can control the exact position where we want to wash.
ㆍ Specially it is very important to hold the parts or components with tray due to high pressure on operation.
ㆍ It is sometimes used to deburr several chips occurred after machined parts in the machining center.
• Automatic transport
• High pressure pre washing
• High pressure fine washing
• 1st rinse
• 2nd rinse
• Final rinse
• Air blowing
• Hot air dry
• Vacuum dry
The system uses high pressure R/O water to remove plastic flash from fuel injector solenoid coils.