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Dong Sung ENG

Automation Equipment Manufacturing


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41, Udeung-gil, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Since its establishment in 2003, Dong Sung ENG Co., Ltd. has been able to achieve rapid growth and stability in business due to the perseverance and patience of the members, focus on the field of automobile parts and our customers who have trusted and watched Dong Sung ENG Co., Ltd ..

Our members have big dreams and strive to fulfill their dreams through passionate endeavors with the basis of human respect, endless challenge mindset and rational thinking. As a result, our technology and quality are recognized in the field of automobile parts production and is leading the market as a specialized company in the automation equipment for automobile parts production.

I am convinced that the existence of today's Dong Sung ENG Co., Ltd. is possible because it believed it could become the best specialized company in the automobile parts production.

Through change and innovation, we aim to create competitive products in the market, and to demonstrate equipment that is not limited to a specific technology but utilizes merging of various technologies. In order to do that, we will strengthen our core competencies in each business field, develop constantly and continue to grow as a specialized equipment company in the automobile mobile.

Dong Sung ENG Co., Ltd. promises to stand confidently as a company leading in automation equipment by adhering to strict principles and reliability in addition to innovation based on differentiated technology, strategy, and continuous equipment improvement and management.


41, Udeung-gil, Hyangnam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea