Circuit breaker automatic testing equipment (ACB, VCB, RTSG) manufacturer, energy harvesting and digital gamma counters
Equipment Configuration
Main Function
Medical instrument that utilizes Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) to operate over 60 types of examinations such as in vitro sample tests, pituitary gland related tests, thyroid related tests, parathyroid related tests, adrenal related tests, gonad and placenta related tests, pancreas and digestive system related tests, hepatitis tests, immunity related tests, blood related tests, and tumor related tests
Equipment Properties
1. Computerized integrated high-performance digital gamma counter that can perform over 60 measurements such as for infectious antigens, antibody screening tests, tumor markers, and thyroid hormones through radioimmunoassay
2. DC high-voltage, preamplifier, spectroscopy amplifier, and MCA
3. Well-type NaI(Tl) detector and digital electronic circuit for detector signaling
4. Automatic sample transmission system
5. GUI program for gamma counter control and radioactive nuclide analysis
6. 10 samples measured and analyzed simultaneously in 1 minute
7. Performance and Features
– Resolution (I-125) : < 30%
– Resolution (Cs-137) : < 8%
– MCA linearity : ±2%
– DC high-voltage output safety : ±1%
– Well-type detector performance evaluation feature: energy spectrum, energy resolution, efficiency, detector difference, background
– Auto calibration feature
– Standard curve feature
– Sensor and behavior monitoring feature : Lift-up check sensor, tube sensor, tray-in sensor, tray-out sensor, rack position sensor
– High-voltage and moving test feature