Optical cable and Power supplier manufacturer, Communication solution, Broadcasting communication equipment, Communication cable and more
Product List
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Model List
Highly flexible ¼“ S (PE)
-Highly flexible ¼“ S (FRNC)
-Highly flexible ½“ S (PE)
-Highly flexible ½“ S (FRNC)
-Flexible 1/2”R (PE)
-Flexible 1/2”R (FRNC)
-Flexible 7/8”R (PE) Low loss
-Flexible 1¼”R(PE) Low Loss
-Flexible 1 5/8” R (PE) Low Loss
-Flexible 1/4”R (FRNC)
-Flexible 1/4”R (PE)
-Flexible 3/8”S (FRNC)
-Flexible 3/8”S (PE)
-Flexible 1/2” SWT (PE) Low loss
-Flexible 2/5” SWT (PE) Low loss
-Flexible 7/8”R (PE)