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Hook And Screw Kit Cat. No.35243 For Rafale Shrinkforming Gun
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Rafale Replacement Parts Instructions-EXPRESS SHRINK WRAPPING-Boating-Hook And Screw Kit Cat. No.35243 For Rafale Shrinkforming Gun
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Heat-SHRINK Tubing and Sleeves Manufacturer, Packing, Logistics and more

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Product Name
Hook And Screw Kit Cat. No.35243 For Rafale Shrinkforming Gun
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Product Details

Because it’s important to be prepared for all situations on the job, we have included this Express Shrink Wrapping spare parts kit Cat. No. 35243 in our online spare parts catalogue, so you can get the best out of your Express Shrink Wrapping tool.

Catalogue number 35243 is designed for the Rafale shrinkforming gun with a 40 kW and 65 kW version, respectively Cat. No. 4040 and 4065.

This hook and screw kit Cat. No. 35243 contains two rods to be placed on the front of the tool to ensure effective protection of your Rafale burner, whatever the version.

It also includes a dedicated hook, so you can hang your Rafale gas shrinkforming gun while working or when you have finished using it, as well as its attachment screw of course!



Weight 0.650 kg
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 2 cm
Heat-SHRINK Tubing and Sleeves Manufacturer, Packing, Logistics and more
  Exportation is much more than a tradition at EXPRESS SHRINK WRAPPING As early as the 1920s, Léon Guilbert exported his products to the French colonies and several European countries, including Belgium and Italy. On the strength of this experience, EXPRESS SHRINK WRAPPING created a department entirely devoted to exports at the end of the 1930s. Globalization was already a reality for EXPRESS SHRINK WRAPPING at this time. Today, more than a third of the company’s turnover is achieved in the export market. Exportation of the brand’s products has more than doubled over the past ten years, growing predominantly in European and North American markets. With a network of agents and distributors located throughout the world, the Express brand is present in more than 54 countries on all five continents, including markets such as North America and Japan which are notoriously challenging. For each country, EXPRESS SHRINK WRAPPING adapts to specific local needs (gas cylinder connections, regulator standards, etc.) and takes into account local culture and the expectations of each professional user community according to its business segment.    