Heat-SHRINK Tubing and Sleeves Manufacturer, Packing, Logistics and more
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Model List
Rubber Hose Cat. No.963-20S
-Rubber Hose Ref.500E
-Rubber Hose Ref. 505E
-Rubber Hose Ref. 515E
-Rubber Hose Ref. 525C
-Rubber Hose Ref. 550C
-Shrinkforming Torch Cat. No.G5900
-Stainless Steel Shrinkforming Pack Cat. No.6110S
-Tape Cat. No.42735
-Titan Shrinkforming Pack Cat. No.6120S
-Titane Shrinkforming Pack Cat. No.6211SH
-Titane Shrinkforming Pack Cat. No.6221S
-Wizz Shrinkforming Gun Cat. No.10161
-Wizz Shrinkforming Gun Cat. No.10165