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Cosmetics and Medical physics and chemical machine manufacturer, Atomizer and more


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33-5, Geonji-ro 121beon-gil, Seo-gu, Incheon, Korea

JooShin are one of the Korea’s famous manufacturers of chemical machines and have a reputation for quality, service and development second to none.

The products of JooShin Industrial Machine Co. have been made through the long-experience skill of research development.

Our company that is making all the efforts to play as a front-runner of chemical machine as ell as development of the new technology always gives much importance on the buyer’s contentment after service and post management.

JooShin Industrial Machine Co. in pursuit of perfect skill and know-how introduces its products believing that they are sure to make you satisfies with production efficiency as well as cost reduction.


33-5, Geonji-ro 121beon-gil, Seo-gu, Incheon, Korea