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KD Finechem

Production of antifreezes & brake fluids, development and sales of fine chemical products


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286, Pyeongtaekhang-ro, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

We are growing through bold investments and challenges,
contributing to a clean environment and a healthy human society in the future.

Taking advantage of the know-how and technology accumulated over a long period of time,
KD Finechem is making efforts to develop technology in line with the eco-friendly era. In particular,
we have completed the development of new eco-friendly coolants that satisfy the increasingly
complex and diversified specifications of electronic equipment, electric vehicles, and ESS,
and are now mass-producing and delivering such products.
In addition, we will secure the technological capability for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that we started
jointly developing with Hyundai and Kia Motors, and through these efforts, we will grow into a more
socially responsible company.

Now, KD Finechem aims to leap forward as a 'global company' that will lead
the eco-friendly fine chemical field by utilizing all of its technologies and business capabilities.
As a member of the global society who tries to open a better future by coexisting with everyone,
we will do our best to achieve a healthy environment and the life of mankind through ceaseless efforts.

“Better engineering for a Sustainable future”
To realize a sustainable management, we will also do our best
by continuously making investments in technology and research and contributes to society.


286, Pyeongtaekhang-ro, Poseung-eup, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea