Watt-hour meter and Automatic meter reading solution company, Digital watt hour meter, Portable accuracy tester and more
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We strive to make a continuous innovation through ourselves.
As a solution expertise corporation for watt-hour meters and AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) devices, we had succeeded in localizing the digital watt-hour meters with our own technology since our establishment in 1999 and had established continuous growth in our business in company with consistent R&D and endless creative management.
As a result of striving to develop the overseas market in East Asia as well as the domestic market, we had achieved the Export award for 5 million dollars for the first time in the field of watt-hour meter in 2013.
We are highly acclaimed at home and abroad as a successful corporation with unique technology, high quality and competitive pricing.
In addition to that, we had developed the CT integrated Digital Watt-hour Meter for the first time in the world, being recognized for the excellent technology. As it can be seen, we strive to make our endless effort to become the best corporation in the world with concentrated investment on intelligent watt-hour meter and AMI industry, following the current trend of smart grid.
As the company motto says, we will always act with self innovation in order to put our best effort to become a corporation that can be trusted by family, nation and throughout the world, holding the creative and innovated mind and the capability of actively responding to the global age and the information-oriented age.
166, Gosan-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea