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Kiturami Boiler

Boiler manufacturer, Gas boiler, Oil boiler, Medium size boiler, Burner, Ventilation system and more


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34 Wolgok 2-gil, Cheongdo-eup, Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do

As a leading company in the boiler industry, Kiturami Boiler has always satisfied the needs of the times. According to the energy-diversification policy, Kiturami Boiler has also played a major role in the heating industry by producing oil-fired boilers, gas-fired boilers, electric boilers, wood-fired boilers,
lignite-fired boilers, etc. Additionally, we've carried forward the home network business, actively invested and researched hydrogen fuel-cell systems, and strongly moved ahead to sharpen our competitiveness and develop the heating industry of the future.


Recently, we took over the Century Factory in Asan in order to enter the air conditioning industry. Moreover, we also took over Bumyang Air-Conditioning, which has been recognized for its own exclusive technologies in system air conditioners, cooling towers, and freezer fields. Today, we are growing into a world-leading company that specializes in air conditioning and heating area. 


To provide the best products and service as always, Kiturami Boiler will focus on developing new technologies, keeping our current level of high quality, and practicing customer satisfaction management. As such, we will do our best to earn the customer's trust. 



34 Wolgok 2-gil, Cheongdo-eup, Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do