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Control valve manufacturer, Gate valve, Globe valve, Ball valve, Butterfly valve, Tank, Actuator and more


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55-30, Bongsu-daero, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea

Since KOPECS CO.,LTD was founded with vision ‘Serving the community, Sharing visions , Aiming high’ on 1987, all of members in KOPECS have been doing our best to accomplish our vision for customers. On the 21th century, the age of limitless competition, KOPECS have been fulfilled various customer’s needs over the areas of Steel plant, Electronics , Oil, Chemical, Environment Water treatment etc. As KOPECS stands for advanced in technology and 20 years of business experience over the domestic and overseas market, we constantly have been improved our technology.

As KOPECS is one of leading company of Control Valve industry in Korea, we will care for the protection of environment. Also, against competition in Control valve industries in future, we will do our best to fulfill customer’s needs and achieve customer’s trust with the development of specialty products, high-quality service, high-technology and competitive price. 


55-30, Bongsu-daero, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea