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Manufacturer of Chinese Medicine extractor, Packing M/C, Rotary evaporator, Dehydrator, Fermenter and more


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Kyungseo E&P Co., Ltd. Since the foundation of "Kyungseo Machinery Industry" in 1993, we have developed with oriental medicine extractor as our main product and now we are producing and selling various kinds of industrial packing machines and spout packing machines including the (ultra high vacuum low temperature extraction concentrator).

In the 21st century, the rapid development of information and communication infrastructure has accelerated the globalization of the world, and the technology market has been influenced by this where active exchange, adoption and development of new technologies have become the key point in corporate growth.

Kyungseo is constantly striving for product development, quality improvement, overseas promotion and export market expansion so as to not lag behind in global competitiveness and customer-oriented technological innovation.

We will renew our commitment to honesty, mindset, and technological development to open the future. We would like to ask for your continuous encouragement and generous supp.

We promise to reward our customers for their support with continuous improvement on quality, better products and customer service.


29 Wonjeon-ro 69beon-gil, Seo-gu, Incheon