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Deltaflow C
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Catalog-M&C Engineering-Delta Pitot tube – Systec-Deltaflow C
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Flowmeter and various instruments

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Product Name
Deltaflow C
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Product Details

Deltaflow C - ultra compact gas- and air mass flow meter 

New: Smallest and fastest multivatiable dp mass flow transmitter in the world!


In the past 4 years, systec developed probably the smallest and fastest dp-gasflowmeter in the world. On only 1 in² this intelligent sensor includes ultrafast dp-, p- and T-sensors and a performant processor to calculate mass flow and drive the bus-communications.

Until now, this product was only used for automotive applications, to measure pulsating airflows to the engine precisely and long term stable. Now we tranferred this development into an industrial design including analogue outputs. The whole flowmeter can be installed and setup within just seconds.

The deltaflowC sensor, is designed to measure gas flows in pipes and channels. deltaflowC is a sensor working on the dp-principle. DeltaflowC includes a dp-, p- and T-sensor and a microcontroller to calculate the mass flow (standard-volume-flow) of gases in pipes.




deltaflowC measures real mass flow and compensates the influence of changes in (static) pressure and temperature on the signal. Compared with other technologies such as thermal mass flow meters, deltaflowC is widely resistant to long term drift by coatings and dust on the sensor surface. Intelligent zero-drift compensation algorithms make deltaflowC to a zero-maintenance flowmeter. It can be used in wide flow, temperature and pressure range.

Beside this, deltaflowC will exist in only one dimension for all pipe diameters and can therefore be ordered on stock. Competetive pricing and fast delivery are a result of this.




Pressurized air, air conditioning, combustion air regulation of burner air, drying air, process air…

OEM / private label versions are available on request



DeltaflowC-Display Typ F012

The simple and reliable system solution. With the deltaflowC in combination with the deltaflowC - F012 systec provides a simple, self-sustaining while reliable industrial solution.
The two units work together perfectly: While deltaflowC probe collects all relevant data, deltaflowC display type F012 takes the data on the 4 - 20 mA and 0 - 10 V interface. At the same time deltaflowC display type F012 powers the probe with the necessary operating voltage. A symbiosis that makes an inexpensive professional solution possible!



Easy and clever measuring: The new screw-in compact venturi for Delta Flow C


In addition to an Insertion type Systec Controls now offers for diameters from 3/4 " to 2" now also a screw-in compact venturi version for the deltaflowC.

Especially with small lines the installation and positioning of the Insertion type can be complicated sometimes. For this reason, there is screw-in compact venturi now. It can be screwed using simple threaded couplings.

An additional plus: through the selection of diameter there can be covered a very wide range of flow rates.

Flowmeter and various instruments
M & C Engineering, Inc. is a established in 1999. Since the company's inception, we have worked continuously to supply instruments and flow meters of various and notable manufacturers. We are also leading sales representative company which is specialized in flowmeter in Korea and our staffs have been working on this business more than 15 years in Korea. We,therefore, are known in korea market very well. Based on our marketing goal and combined with the manufacturer's high standard of technology, manufacturing, quality, delivery, etc. We will always look out from our customer's perspective so that we may be the most reliable partner who always exceeds the expectations of our customers. We will always look out from our customer's perspective so that we may be the most reliable partner who always exceeds the expectations of our customers.