Banking automation machine manufacturer, Bill counter, Bill validator, Check scanners, Industrial printing machine and more
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MECHATRO is one of leading companies in the field of banking automation and self-service solution, manufacturing banknotes discriminators, check scanners and industrial printers.
We create and offer unique value to our customers on the foundation of cutting-edge technologies on hand through a global networking with leading companies in the world.
MECHATRO is developing and producing various products like Banknotes counter, Clear Q Banknotes counter, Clear J banknotes fitness sorter, thermal printers, Dot matrix journal printers, Bill validators and Check scanners with the converged techn-ology of hardware, instrument, software and solution.
These all products are acknowledged as top quality in the world.
MECHATRO’s biggest goal is to create customer values and MECHATRO promises that we will be the global leading company through development of new products, fast global marketing plan and active service with continuous improvement.
169-28, Gasan digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea