Optical equipment components manufacturer, Lens, Prism, Polarizing plate, Mirror, ZnSe, IR filter, Thin film coating
High Power Thin Film Plate Polarizers were developed specifically for use in high power pulsedand CW laser applications. Designed to operate at Brewster’s Angle, then separate an incident unpolarized, monochromatic beam into its S and P polarization components.
The extinction ratio (Tp/Ts) exceeds 200:1 (for λ≥ 400) nm and 100:1 (for λ〈400 nm) in the transmitted beam.
Maximum efficiency is achieved by fine angular tuning of the plate about θB. These all dielectric coatings are highly sensitive to wavelength and angle of incidence.
TO ORDER : Specify part number as follows: Substrate Code + Coating Code
Example: 25.4 mm diameter; 355 nm: TP 2607 U 036
Other substrate materials, specifications and wavelengths can be provided upon request. Please contact our sales department for assistance.