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High Power Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters
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Polarizers / Wave Plates
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Millenium Optical System

Optical equipment components manufacturer, Lens, Prism, Polarizing plate, Mirror, ZnSe, IR filter, Thin film coating

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Millenium Optical System
Product Name
High Power Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters
Model Name
Product Details

High Power Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters were specifically developed for use in high powerpulsed and CW laser applictions. They are formed from two right angle, 45。prisms opticallycontacted together. The hypotenuse is coated with an all dielectric, polarization sensitive coatingdesigned to separate an incident, unpolarized, monochromatic beam into its S and P polarizationcomponents. 
The extinction ratio (TP/TSs) exceeds 200:1 in the transmitted beam. The twoorthogonally polarized beams emerge from the cube at 90。with respect to each other. All entrance and exit surfaces are coated with a high efficiency, narrowband, anti-reflection coating.


Millenium Optical System High Power Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters

TO ORDER : Specify part number as follows: Substrate Code + Coating Code
Example: 12.7 mm dimensions: 1064nm: HC 13 K 106

Other substrate materials, specifications and wavelengths can be provided upon request. Please contact our sales department for assistance.

Millenium Optical System
Optical equipment components manufacturer, Lens, Prism, Polarizing plate, Mirror, ZnSe, IR filter, Thin film coating
MOS is one of the few companies that possess extensive experience with Lens fabrication using a wide range of UV, Visible, and IR substrates. Unlike Lenses that are manufactured by a third source, all MOS Lenses are manufactured and tested in-house to ensure consistent quality. MOS Filters are carefully manufactured and measured to ensure the most accurate wavelength selection available. From our standard color glass Filters to accurate, multi-component Filter systems, MOS is a total Filter solution provider. MOS has manufactured the highest quality Optical components, Thin Film Coatings and Optical Assemblies for use in Medical, Semiconductor and Industrial Applications.