Optical equipment components manufacturer, Lens, Prism, Polarizing plate, Mirror, ZnSe, IR filter, Thin film coating
Waveplates are used in the synthesis and analysis of polarized light. Quarter waveplates transform linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light, and vice-versa. Half waveplates rotate the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light through any angle. They also convert leftcircularly polarized light into right circularly polarized light, and vice-versa.
Zero Order Waveplates are made from two crystalline quartz plates of similar thickness, that are optically contacted together with orthogonally aligned optical axes. Retardation varies slowly with wavelength, thus they are useful with tunable or broadband sources. Retardation is a function of thickness difference between the two plates, and is essentially invariant with temperature.
TO ORDER : Specify part number as follows: Substrate Code + Design Wavelength Code + Coating Code
Ex: 10.0mm diameter; λ/4; 532 nm; Narrowband AR on 2 side: WP 104 M 053 NA 2
Other specifications and wavelengths can be provided upon request. Please contact our sales department for assistance.