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Osung Envi-Tech

Manufacturer and Supplier of Products and System related Environment & Manufacturer and Supplier of Valve for Heavy and Chemical Industry


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976, Wondang-daero, Seo-gu, Incheon, Korea

Preparation of Firm Foundation

In 1980, OS Company started its business as a domestic sole distributor of NORIT company in the Netherlands to contribute to a better environmental future.

By the end of the 1990s, we had finished to build our own office and factories, and expanded our business line based on successful partnership with NORIT group.

Now in OS Company, we are made up of three member companies including Osung Envitech, OS valve, Osung Envitech M&B and Chempro Korea (OSC) and have two offices and two factories.

Thranks to your support and attentive hospitality, we have established a firm foundation of becoming the leading supplier and manufacturer in the environmental-related service market. Moreover, our company and members are now integrated by a strong management philosophy that assist us to become with customers and partners.

Gearing up for the next generation

OS Company has researched for high quality products in a desire to achieve both people’s safety and healthy environment. To make a better environment with the best quality products such as activated carbon and valves, we are now intensively putting its all efforts and skills into improving all products quality in every detail.

There is a consistent and persistent investment from OS Company itself for searching unexplored business opportunities and expanding the existing infrastructure.

Besides, to offer reliable products that customers can always trust, we are trying to inspire every employee with a sense of unity, escaping the stereotypes and thinking from ‘outside of the box’ so that all the company members have a notion of “the quality of the products will depend on my thinking”


976, Wondang-daero, Seo-gu, Incheon, Korea