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Dryer manufacturer, TSP, PSR line, MIR, IR, Film annealer, Annealing, Film, Heat treatment, Natural drying rack and more


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253-20 Wonsi-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Our company as a company selling screen printing machine, drying machine, and other various equipments, is doing its level best to satisfy consideration and request of our customers.

We will provide our customers with impression by friendly environmental and best quality suitable for the 21 century age of globalization. And we will minimize inconvenience and dissatisfaction of all customers by serving one-stop system with much better technology and information.

We will prepare a post management to cope with the demand of the customers by exact response and do our best to respond quickly for all inquiries by positioning members of the company staff in charge.


253-20 Wonsi-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea