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Load Limiter
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Overload Limiter for Crane
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SHINHAN ELECTRIONICSElectric load limiter for crane and hoist manufacturer, LMI for Mobile crane
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Load Limiter
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양중기의 과부하를 STRAIN  GAUGE식 로드셀로 검지하여

고속・고정밀도 과부하 방지로 안전을 지킵니다


SH-1200, SH-750 LOAD LIMITER은 호이스트 크레인 및 엘리베이터 등과 같은 양중기의 과부하를 

STRAIN GAGE식 로드셀(전자식 J-1 TYPE)로 검지하여 과적으로부터 오는 인적·물적 재해를 사전에 예방하는 안전장치 입니다.


■ 특징

ㆍ기동 시간에 관계없이 고속·고정밀도로 과부하 상태를 감지

ㆍ인칭 작업의 판별 

 - 판별회로의 내장으로 적재물의 순간적인 흔들림 등에 의한 영향이 없음

ㆍ오동작 방지 및 과부하 검출 시간의 정확도 향상 

 - 반도체소자에 의한 충방전 회로를 채택하여 검출 시간의 정확도를 가함

ㆍ전기식으로 검출하지 않고 현재의 적재 하중에 따른 검출함으로 직접적인 정확도

ㆍSETTING 및 교정의 용이 - 3DIGIT DISPLAY를 채용함으로써 SET치 및 현재 하중치를 직접 판독

ㆍ사용 부품의 호환성 및 부품의 확보가 용이하며, 손쉽게 보수할 수 있도록 설계


SH-1200 series

■ 세부사양

ㆍ정격입력전압 : AC 100/240V FREEVOLT ± 10% 50/60Hz 설정가능

ㆍ부하 검출방식, 중량 검출방식 : STRAIN GAGE식 LOAD CELL

ㆍLOAD CELL 전원 : DC 10V ±5% 출력전류 250㎃ 이내, 350Ω계 LOAD CELL 8개까지 병렬 접속가능


    TOTAL - RELAY 접점 출력 1a 1b / 접점 용량 250VAC 3A

    MAIN  - RELAY 접점 출력 1a 1b(Option) / 접점 용량 250VAC

    AUX  - RELAY 접점 출력 1a 1b(Option) / 접점 용량 250VAC

ㆍ복귀방식 : 자동 복귀(ALARM SET치 이하 도달시)

ㆍ과부하 검출시간 : 0.2SEC 이내

ㆍ사용주위온도 : -10℃ ~ +70℃

ㆍ사용주의습도 : 95%RH 이하 


■ 치수

SHINHAN ELECTRIONICSElectric load limiter for crane and hoist manufacturer, LMI for Mobile crane
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the esteemed customers who have always encouraged SHINHAN Electronics and supported us without any hesitation. SHINHAN Electronics as a specialized company in the Crane related Safety Equipment has made its continuous accomplishments for more than 30 years until now. SHINHAN Electronics has achieved its 100% self-developed technology in the righteous spirit of split bamboo in spite of many difficulties and realized all the products by our own technical power. Overcoming the severe competition with the products of many overseas enterprises, SHINHAN Electronics has been maintaining its worldwide pride with the accumulation of its genuine technology and know-how. SHINHAN Electronics has established its own technology development and know-how incessantly in the daily rapid changing social environment and attained the certificates of ISO9001, The Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) with safety certification “S” Mark, CE Mark and many others including the possession of its own Patent Right owing to the continuous technology development. SHINHAN Electronics has also extended its industrial bases in such prospective locations as China, Singapore and other countries of the future industrial main stream in order to prepare for the stabilized global production system. SHINHAN has established the local production factories to supply the products suitable for the local markets and the organized system to enhance the international competitive power in the age of the global network.