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Anti-Terrorist Boat Barriers
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Defense - Harbors Defense
Data Sheet Port Security - First Line Defence
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Shinyang Technology

Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer

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Shinyang Technology
Product Name
Anti-Terrorist Boat Barriers
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Product Details

영국 던롭社의 테러보트방어용 해상장벽(Anti-Terrorist Barrier)는 소형보트에 의한 자살충돌 공격으로부터 함정 및 주요시설물 보호를 목적으로 설계되었으며, 2000년 예멘에서 발생한 미함정(USS Cole)의 자살폭탄보트테러로 인해 함정보호용 방어장벽의 필요성이 재인식되어 전세계 주요항만에서의 설치가 급증하고 있다. 
공기팽창식 對테러보트장벽은 실질적 방어는 물론 비용절감 및 방어테세의 시각적 효과 또한 탁월하다. 어떤 항구 상황에서도 설치가 가능하도록 설계되어 해군용 항만시설과 해상으로부터의 공격에 치명적인 피해를 입을 수 있는 원자력발전소등의 해안 지상구조물 등에 폭넓게 적용이 가능하다.  
The Dunlop boat barriers were physically tested as an anti-terrorist device by the US Navy in San Diego Harbour in May 2001. The units were successful against the threat for which they had been designed. However, it was thought prudent to enhance the design, making the units larger and more robust to combat a broader range of threats.   
기능 및 특징 
ㆍBarriers made and sent to San Diego
ㆍ1.8 metres diameter x 25 metres long
ㆍUnit weight 1200 kg
ㆍSimulated attacks with remotely controlled craft with the following specification
      24’ Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat - 1840kg (RHIB)  at 26-kts (30 mph) 
      38’ Offshore Racing Boat at  - 3770kg     47-kts (54 mph)
      38’ Offshore Racing Boat at 29-kts (33mph)
ㆍTest objective was to determine the barriers effectiveness against preventing or delaying a boats progress towards 

- 수상함/잠수함 정박 항만
- 원자력발전소 등의 주요 해안접안 시설물
- 해상유전
- 원양항해함정  



신양기술 테러보트방어용 해상장벽 신양기술 테러보트방어용 해상장벽  1신양기술 테러보트방어용 해상장벽  2

Shinyang Technology
Marine and weather measuring equipment and Water quality automatic measuring equipment manufacturer
Shinyang Technology Company was founded in May 2000 by the researchers who were specialized in the electronics instrumentation for oceanography. it has worked hard to establish its reputation as one of the leading companies in the marine and weather measurement system field. Now it combines extensive product range, outstanding quality of customer service, leading technology and experienced staff.  Shinyang has three-business division:  Firstly, it develops and manufactures: own products such as Data buoys, floats and other measurement system for oceanography, meteorology, environmental sciences and industry. To provide better service to customer Shinyang provides various data distribution system using RF communication, satellite, mobile phone and network system based on Internet. Secondly, it Oversea trades: marine engineering of special buoyancy materials for oil and gas drilling and station, protection materials for underwater cable pipeline, various under water special connectors and cable, various components and equipment of the underwater vehicles, current meter, underwater modem, underwater acoustic sensor and weather measuring equipments and sensors it is the exclusive agency. Finally, with expert staff: it provides consulting service about measurement and mooring in deep sea. It develops and manufactures data networking and management system Shinnying is deeply committed to making its product and service convenient and efficient for the basis of better quality of life, cost saving and protection of environment