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Sichuan Mingtaishun CNC Cutting Tools(MTS Tools)

End Mills, Insert, Cutting Tools, Milling


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Sichuan Mingtaishun CNC Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. Is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Sichuan Mingtaishun Carbide Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as “MTS”, is a globally leading comprehensive service provider of carbide cutting solutions for milling, stationary tools, hole-making and tooling systems from design to after-sales, with excellent customer satisfaction.

MTS is ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001 certified to ensure health and safety, and maintain service to our customers globally. We are taking a host of precautions to protect colleagues, customers, and business partners.

MTS is headquartered in Sichuan province, China, and operates 1 headquarter and 4 subsidiary companies, and 7 sales offices globally. With about 10 years of experience in Carbide Research and Development. MTS is now a high-tech offering customer a wide selection of standard catalog items as well as a unique capability to design and produce to handle unusual customer machining requirements, serving 60 countries.