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환경소음 모니터링 장치
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원격감시 및 측정
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Sm Instruments

Sound camera, Sound scanner, Wind power generator and more

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Sm Instruments
Product Name
환경소음 모니터링 장치
Model Name
Product Details

환경 소음의 24시간 원격 측정 및 모니터링 시스템. 
등가소음레벨(Leq), 1/3 옥타브 분석을 수행하고 이상 소음 발생시 음원의 녹음 가능. 
관제시스템을 이용하여 다수 측정시스템의 데이터 실시간 모니터링이 가능. 
TCP/IP 통신을 이용한 측정데이터 전송 기능 제공. 환경부 형식승인A(NESM-136호) 제품.

ㆍ음장형 콘덴서 마이크로폰 채용
ㆍIEC 61672-1:2002, Class1
ㆍ20 Hz~20 kHz 범위의 주파수범위
ㆍ최대 151 dB의 음압 입력범위
ㆍ대구경, 이중구조 방풍망
ㆍ최대 100kS/s 샘플링
ㆍ옥외용 외함

ㆍ소음 레벨 연산 (Lp, Leq, 최대/최소 소음, 1초 등가소음, 퍼센트 레벨)
ㆍ실시간 1/3 옥타브 밴드 주파수 분석
ㆍ이상소음 녹음
ㆍTCP/IP 통신을 이용한 원격모니터링
ㆍ원격명령에 의한 측정조건 설정, 교정 수행 및 이전 데이터 요청 수행

ㆍ환경관련 소음 모니터링 분야
ㆍ특수환경 (고속도로, 공사장, 항공기, 철도) 소음 모니터링 분야

Noise Monitoring
Frequency WeightingA, C, Linear
Time WeightingFast, Slow
Measurement Range20 Hz ~ 20 kHz
A-Weighting 30~130dB
C-Weighting 36~130dB
Linear 42~130dB
Noise DataLp, Leq_1sec
Leq_avg, Leq_max, Leq_min
1/3 Octave


Data Acquisition
Number of Channels4CH IEPE Input
Sampling RateMax 50kS/s


Environmental Condition
Operating Temp.-15 °C ~ + 60 °C
Humidity10 ~ 90%
Sm Instruments
Sound camera, Sound scanner, Wind power generator and more
SM Instruments is an expert in sound and vibration measurements and instrumentation. The main focus of the company is developing sensors, measurement and control instruments, besides providing engineering services, design and consulting on sound and vibration applications. The main technologies offered in SM Instruments are visualization of sound using sound camera, detection of Buzz, Squeak, and rattle using BSRTools, and provision of condition monitoring to wind turbine plants. Furthermore, SM Instruments offers a unique customizing service including test consulting, which provides perfect and customized sound and vibration test solutions. Our services support various industries in sound and vibration in international scale, pursuing to become one of the world best sound and vibration leaders. SM Instruments has world leading customers in its own neighborhood. These customers continuously require high-end sound and vibration solutions; thus this has become a core factor in SM Instruments’ technical innovation. A total of 14 patents in the sound and vibration measurement area speaks volume about SM Instruments, a provider of many innovative instruments such as Sound Camera, Sound Scanner and BSR Scanner. SM Instruments has been investing in quality control to guarantee customer’s confidence. Obtaining the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications is a part of SM Instrument’s continuous pursuit of error free solutions.