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In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, we have established an oil management system and water tank management system using IoT-based sensors, a car wash system based on controller control technology, and a wireless video transmission system in the 2.4 GHz band.
In the field of sensors, there are level gauge sensors and leakage detection sensors that apply Magnetostrictive technology, and wireless transceiver can control various devices such as wireless image transceiver in 2.4GHz band, transceiver in 400MHZ band, and controller can control automatic self-cleaning and manual self-cleaning devices.
In particular, the company's core competency technology, the oil management system, is developing its capabilities not only in Korea but also abroad through efficient inventory management with precise sensors and management programs.
We will continue to work hard until the day when we play a pivotal role in related industries in order to create a more convenient world through continuous quality control and product development.
21, Uisong-gil 27-gil, Amnyang-eup, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea