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HMT330 Series
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HMT330 Series
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Measuring equipment manufacturer, Thermo hygrometer, Temperature-humidity sensor

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Product Name
Model Name
HMT330 Series
Product Details

(주)비노스텍  HMT330 Series

- 산업환경에 따른 6가지의 모델을 선택가능
- 다양한 옵션기능
- 측정 동향 및 4년간의 기록을 표시하는 그래픽 디스플레이
- NIST 인증가능
- 다양한 옵션기능​ 


모델 HMT331 HMT333 HMT334 HMT335 HMT337 HMT338
적용환경 실내용 배관 및 좁은공간 고압 및 진공용 고온용 고습용 가압파이프라인용
측정범위(습도) 0 ~ 100%RH 0 ~ 100%RH 0 ~ 100%RH 0 ~ 100%RH 0 ~ 100%RH 0 ~ 100%RH
측정범위(온도)  -40 ~ 60℃  -40 ~ 80℃
옵션 : -40 ~ 120℃
 -70 ~ 180℃
정확도 ±1%RH(0…90%RH) at 15….25℃, ±0.2℃ at 20℃
전원 10…35 VDC, 24VAC
출력 4…20mA, 0…20mA, 0…1V, 0…5V, 0…10V (CH1, CH2), RS232
Option 측정파라미터 : 노점, 혼합비, 절대습도, 습구온도, 엔탈피, 수증기압
Power : 100…240 VAC, RS485 module, LCD with backlight, Relay output, 3rd analog output
Ethenet , WLAN, Logger module
shot cable (22cm) Sensor cable 5m, 10m
Measuring equipment manufacturer, Thermo hygrometer, Temperature-humidity sensor
We, Vinostech, have been growing as a global company in 21st century based on trust and technology over the past 10 years, thanks to the customers’ support. We have achieved a tremendous growth of speciality in weather environmental measurement sector by developing across humidity/temperature transmitter and recorder, humidity sensor, and weather observatory system in response to a diversity of environment change. We are going to strive for product quality enhancement as well as customer satisfaction based on diligence and trust, and continue our endeavor to become a competitive weather environmental specialized company.