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SAXS, WAXS Instrumentation Manufacturer
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Smart nanoscale characterization

  • Directly from samples to results
  • Accurate and high dynamic range measurements
  • Simultaneous data from atomic- to nano-scale
  • Low cost of ownership

“The Nano-inXider is the tool we needed to complement our existing characterization facilities. It is very easy to use and versatile. The ability to collect the WAXS data simultaneously with the SAXS data is certainly an advantage. The modular features of the instrument allow us to study a wide range of samples, which is a real advantage for multiple users coming with various needs.”

Professor Lam Yeng Ming,
School of Materials Science & Engineering, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Accelerate your research

The Nano-inXider gives you answers on the nanostructure of your sample, whether in solid, liquid, gel, powder or thin film.

Examples of applications are:

  • Particle size distribution, from a few nanometers to more than 250 nm
  • Mesophase analysis of self-assembled materials such as liquid crystals, block copolymers, nano-drug delivery systems
  • Nanostructure of biomaterials such as surfactants, proteins in solutions, hydrogels
  • Crystallization rates and lamellar structure of semi-crystalline polymers during stress or temperature studies
  • Orientation analysis on fibers and films

Discover our application notes :

Overview of a surfactant structure

SAXS measurements of diluted solutions

Size distribution of Gold Nanoparticles

Size distribution of nanoparticles : powders, dispersions and composites

Number concentrations for nanoparticles: robust and traceable measurements in the lab

Directly from samples to result

With the Nano-inXider SMART design, just put your sample in the chamber. Then get your results. It is simple and fast.

Simple. Just put your sample in the chamber.
The instrument auto-aligns without any need of user interaction.

Data acquisition workflow is automatic and fast. X-ray scattering data is automatically normalized with no need of calibration by the user. This is achieved through a powerful software suite embedded in a fully motorized equipment using a unique fixed dual detector configuration.

Accurate scattering data instantly displayed by the instrument can be used on the fly for quick sample feedback, or for further assisted analysis using our XSACT software. A large choice of analysis functions is available and quick nanostructure parameters are provided through few clicks.

XSACT produces high quality publication-ready graphs and figures which can be easily exported to other documents through drag-and-drop or saved as files.


The Nano-inXider provides fast answers and straightforward analysis.

It is easy to use. Its SMART design ensures a fast learning curve for both scattering experts, material scientists or technicians.

With full remote operation capability and auto alignment, the Nano-inXider reduces human errors to the minimum, and guarantees reproducibility as well as measurement traceability.

It is ideal for open access labs.

Accurate and high dynamic range measurement

Focus your attention on science and data interpretation, you can rely on your data.

The Nano-inXider acquires high signal to noise data by measuring the intense direct beam transmitted through the sample together with low intensity signal scattered from the sample.
Direct beam measurement, achieved with innovative beamstop-less data acquisition, enables automatic data treatment and display in absolute intensity with a very high accuracy.
Simultaneous low intensity signals detection is rendered possible by implementation of Clean Beam Technology.

The high dynamic range of intensity collection directly impacts data quality by:

  • Enabling the detection of low intensity scattered signal from weakly scattering samples
  • Accessing absolute quantity parameters such as particles number, molar mass, concentration, specific surface
  • Detecting large characteristic dimensions without need of user data treatment

Simultaneously from atomic to nanoscale

No need to repeat SAXS and WAXS measurement, you get two measurements within one exposure.

The Nano-inXider features a smart dual detector design to detect atomic scale information and nanostructure simultaneously within one exposure. Long sample-to-detector distance for measuring large characteristic dimensions is achieved in SAXS through a vertical design with a small footprint.

Such configuration provides unique benefits:

  • You get access to nanostructure information together with atomic scale information in a single exposure. No need to repeat the experiment.
  • Unambiguous data is provided for inhomogenous samples since the same volume of sample is analyzed in SAXS and WAXS.
  • Sample structure is probed at the same exact time at both atomic and nanoscale, which is mandatory for in situ studies.

Low cost of ownership

Get nanoscale information on a day to day basis to improve your material process or validate your research models.

  • High return on investment
  • Will easily find a place in your lab with its vertical design
  • Easy access for technicians
  • Daily use with high throughput
  • Low environment impact

The low cost of ownership of the Nano-inXider mainly comes from its compactness and low cost of operation.

XENOCS SASSAXS, WAXS Instrumentation Manufacturer
At Xenocs, we help our customers in their research, development and production of advanced materials by providing them with products and services for characterization at the nanoscale. Our solutions are based on Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS/WAXS). For more information on the SAXS/WAXS technique, have a look at our SAXS webpage. With the Application menu,  you will find plenty of information on what modern SAXS is being used for in various research domains such as polymer research, structural biology, nanoparticles &  colloids, renewable energy, food science, cosmetics & consumer care, oil & gas, as well as various inorganic materials. The characterization pages will give you some examples of the types of measurements you can perform in the lab with X-ray scattering. For detailed descriptions on our portfolio of SAXS/WAXS instrumentation, please refer to our product webpages. The knowledge base menu gives you access to some application notes and a large list of customer publications involving our lab instruments.