SAXS, WAXS Instrumentation Manufacturer
Xenocs XSACT software
X-ray scattering data treatment and analysis
Wide range of analysis functions The XSACT software package contains key analysis functions for the treatment and interpretation of SAXS data |
Discover our application notes :
Batch data analysis of particle size temporal evolution studied with SAXS
Smart workflow and user experience Let XSACT guide you from data to results with minimum user input. XSACT follows our SMART design for an easy workflow that guides you through powerful graphical interactions.
Extensive and powerful suite of data analysis algorithms XSACT includes an extensive array of analysis modules for sample characterization such as size, structure and texture of multiple types of materials. With all the data analysis features included in one single package, XSACT offers a unified, versatile and complete data processing solution to get things done as fast as possible. All analysis modules come with full documentation and practice data. XSACT key analysis modules include:
Publication quality figure presentation XSACT is a time saver as it bundles all the tools to create publication-ready figures without the need for another visualization software. For the best understanding of output data, a scientist must have the tools to visualize, exchange and compare numerous graphical representations.
Advanced data processing Xenocs instruments offer automatic 2D data reduction into a 1D scattering curve in quantitative units to facilitate the subsequent analysis. For samples requiring specific representation and study of 2D scattering data such as anisotropic samples or thin films studied in grazing incidence, XSACT represents the data in the reciprocal space with no information loss, and provides all the tools for quick orientation analysis and display.