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식품 생산기계 제작, 배합기, 제과, 제빵기 취급




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기업 기본 정보

서울 금천구 두산로11길 23
기업 소개

DONG YANG FOOD MACHINERY is a family-owned company, specializing in the manufacture of a wide range of bakery and confectionery making machinery. It was established by Mr. KIM PAN, D in 1953, initially serving the domestic industries throughout South Korea.

Progressive developments achieved with acquiring know-how and innovative machinery design then led to rapid expansion of the company into the overseas markets.

Building and offering machinery which adopt the latest technology available. DYFM also provide impeccable back up service and transfer of product know-how.

기업 위치

서울 금천구 두산로11길 23